Getting Information From the Other Side (Disclosure)
This guide shows you how to get the information you need and provides you with template letters and guidance. There are 6 ways of getting information. You can make a subject access or freedom of information request before filing and during your claim in the Employment Tribunal. If your claim relates to discrimination, you can also use the ACAS Questions Procedure. Once you are in the Employment Tribunal there are 3 further ways to get information from your employer using the tribunals case management powers. Find out how using this guide.
Getting information for your Employment Tribunal claim does not have to be difficult. The Employment Tribunals case management powers are very effective in getting information for your claim. This guide takes you through the ways of getting information, and when strategically to ask for information. It also provides template letters, using the appropriate language as well as a template for an application to the Employment Tribunal for an Order so that you can get the information and documents you need.
The Guide contains;
- Template Notes
- Ways of getting information
- When to request information
- Template1 – Letter to Employer requesting further information/documents
- Template 2 – Letter to Employer requesting Specific Disclosure
- Template 3 – Application to the Employment Tribunal for Disclosure