Employment tribunal communication letter template
Why you need the employment tribunal communication letter template
You can call the Employment Tribunal office with simple queries, however your communication with the Employment Tribunal should be by letter so that you have a record of it. There are protocols which should be included in every letter, and if you do not fulfil these, the Employment Tribunal will send your letter back and not send it to your Employer, who you cannot communicate with directly. This is a generic letter template which you should use for all communications with the Employment Tribunal.
Employment tribunal communication etiquette
Once you have filed your claim in the Employment Tribunal, the Tribunal office becomes your only point of contact in all matters to do with your case. The Employment Tribunal will give instructions for certain documents or communication to be directly with your employer, otherwise all letters and emails go directly to the Employment Tribunal office dealing with your case. Use this general communication letter template when you are writing to the Employment Tribunal.