Employment tribunal chronology template
Why you need a chronology in the employment tribunal?
The Employment Tribunal chronology is a dated list of the most important things that have happened, in the order in which they happened. It helps the Employment Tribunal understand the facts of your case and the supporting evidence that goes with it in the correct chronological order when deciding your case.
You should submit one even if the tribunal does not ask for it. At your first preliminary hearing, if the Employment Tribunal Judge does not ask for one, inform the Judge that you would like to submit one. You can use it in any subsequent hearings and definitely for your final hearing.
How to use the employment tribunal chronology template
This Employment Tribunal chronology template helps you correctly list key events and cross reference to the relevant evidence in your bundle. It is a useful tool in putting your claim together and making sure that you have got your story straight and have the evidence you need to back up your claim.
See How to prepare your documents for the employment tribunal