Application for reconsideration of an employment tribunal judgment or decision
Why you need the template application for reconsideration of an employment tribunal judgment or decision
You can challenge an employment tribunal judgment or decision in two ways:
1. Appeal to the Employment Appeal Tribunal on a question of law only, within 42 days of receiving the judgment or decision.
2. Apply for reconsideration of any aspect of the judgment or decision within 14 days of receiving it under Rules 70-73 of the Employment Tribunal Rules.
It is a good idea to do both. Start with the application for reconsideration, since Rule 70 gives the Employment Tribunal a general power to reconsider any judgment where it is necessary in the interests of justice to do so. Reconsideration will allow you to test the merits of any legal arguments you want to raise in the Employment Appeal Tribunal. You can also ask the Employment Tribunal to reconsider facts, if you think the tribunal got the facts wrong or if any new evidence has come to light since the judgment or decision was made. The procedure for reconsideration is in Rules 71-73 of the Employment Tribunal Rules.
How to use the application template for reconsideration of a judgment or decision
- Email your application to the employment tribunal with the subject, your case name and number on the subject line.
- Send a copy to the other side and let the employment tribunal know that you have copied them in.
- The employment tribunal will acknowledge receipt immediately, but you must wait for a letter or email that confirms the status of your application.
- Follow up by email if you have not heard from the employment tribunal within a reasonable period after sending your application. If you follow up by phone, still send an email reiterating that you have followed up by phone.