Application for an order to be varied, suspended or set aside
When to make an application for an order to be varied, suspended or set aside?
Under Rule 30 of the Employment Tribunal rules, you can apply for any order made by the Employment Tribunal to be varied, suspended or set aside on the grounds that it is in the interests of justice do so. The Employment Tribunal has the power to vary orders under Rule 29. Use this application for any orders, made against you or in favour of the other side, that you do not agree with.
How to use the template application for an order to be varied, suspended or set aside
- Email your application to the employment tribunal with the subject, your case name and number on the subject line.
- Send a copy to the other side and let the employment tribunal know that you have copied them in.
- The employment tribunal will acknowledge receipt immediately, but you must wait for a letter or email that confirms whether or not your application has been granted.
- Follow up by email if you have not heard from the employment tribunal within a reasonable period after sending your application. If you follow up by phone, still send an email reiterating that you have followed up by phone.