How to win your personal injury claim at work
This Guide on Personal Injury at Work is your essential step-by-step guide to making your own personal injury claim for compensation of up to £25,000.00 to cover losses you have suffered as a result of an injury at work. Your employer has a duty to protect you from injury at work and tell you about any health and safety issues that affect you. Your employer also has a legal obligation to report certain accidents and incidents and to pay you sick pay.
If you are considering suing your employer, remember that the aim of work accident compensation is to put you in the position you would be in had the accident not occurred. By law, your employer must be insured against injury to employees. Your employer should place a certificate showing the name of its insurance company where it can be seen at work. You can also ask your employer to give you the details if you need them. You will be entitled to Statutory Sick Pay at the very least. Your right to contractual sick pay should be in your employment contract.
If you are unfortunate enough to be injured in an accident at work, you may be able to make a Personal Injury claim for compensation. Accidents do happen in any job and in any situation. They are not limited to factories and building sites; every workplace has its own dangers. You can use this guide to inform yourself prior to seeking professional assistance or as a resource in pursuing your claim yourself. The Guide covers what you need to know, taking you quickly and simply through essential information on;
- Your legal rights
- Remedies
- How to claim compensation
- Templates and tactics